Neurofeedback Training the brain to function better
Like cars, brains need a tune up.
Just like any complex piece of equipment, maintenance is needed to keep it in top working order. Neurofeedback is designed to tune the brain to operate as efficiently as possible.
So Just What Is Neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback is the direct training of the brain in real time using advanced computer technology. Over multiple sessions the computer can tune the brain and teach it to function more efficiently, often with permanent results. Neurofeedback addresses brain dysregulation, which can cause many conditions like anxiety, depression, ADHD, sleep disorders, migraines, and more.
The Neurofeedback Process
During a session, patients are connected to a computer using sensors. These sensors are noninvasive, no electrical current is put into the brain. The sensors only monitor brainwaves.
For the next 30 minutes, you either watch a movie, listen to music or listen to an audio book. When the computer detects irregular brainwaves, it will fade the video and sound. This will cause the patient to refocus their attention back on the movie or music until it returns to normal. This can happen hundreds of times during a single session. Eventually after multiple sessions, the brain starts to learn to stay in the healthy ranges on it’s own. as that happens the patient will see a reduction in their symptoms.
Neurofeedback does not directly target conditions and symptoms: it corrects irregular brainwaves and modifies timing patterns in the brain. The best part, results are often permanent.

How Do We Know Which Areas Of The Brain To Train?
This is achieved with a Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG), also known as a brain map. A Brain Map is a non-invasive tool we use to identify the problem areas of the brain. The QEEG is designed to objectively and scientifically evaluate a person\’s brainwave patterns. It takes the guesswork out of determining a person\’s condition. Think of a QEEG Brain map like a weather map…it provides us with accurate information about the entire brain and where problems may lie.
We place what looks like a swim cap with a number of sensors on your head to measure the brain wave activity of the various frequency bands. The process is non-invasive and takes about 20 minutes to complete. The system then compares your brainwave activity to a database of established standards of normal brain function to determine if problems are present.
The comparison is both age and gender stratified meaning we are comparing apples to apples. It does not identify specific conditions: It shows a map of problem areas in the brain that we can use to expertly determine likely neurological conditions.

The QEEG Neuro Map Report
The Neuro map Report is a comprehensive analysis of your brainwave activity. It displays the data for each brainwave type, as well as the emotional and cognitive results. The brain is a very complex organ, and the report covers most of the major areas where symptoms appear.
The image here shows an analysis of each lobe of the brain (frontal, parietal, central, temporal and occipital) for each type of brain wave: Delta, Theta, Alpha, Beta. Green indicates a normal level, red is elevated and yellow is extreme. From this we can determine the problem areas of the Brian and how to address them using neurofeedback.

The Benefits Of Neurofeedback
Why Does It Work So Well?
Research shows that people who suffer from neurological issues have irregular brainwaves. A person with ADD will have slower Beta brainwaves, which are responsible for attention and focus.
Training the brain can change these brainwaves over time, speeding them up or slowing them down where needed. Neurofeedback can improve alertness, attention, emotional regulation, behavior, cognitive function, and mental flexibility. When brainwaves are running at the right speed, users will often see a reduction in symptoms.
Results are often permanent, which may allow someone to eliminate medications completely. Where medications only manage the symptoms, the goal of neurofeedback is to address the underlying cause and restore normal brainwave function.
Ready To Get Started?
Your journey to better health begins here! To schedule an appointment call us directly:
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