Physical Therapy
What is Physical Therapy?
Physical Therapy (PT), also known as Physiotherapy, is one of the allied health professions that, by using evidence-based assessment, exercise, joint mobilization and health education, treats conditions such as chronic or acute pain, soft tissue injuries, arthritis, physical impairments and gait disorders typically of musculoskeletal, and neurological origins. Physical therapy is used to improve a patient’s physical functions through physical examination, diagnosis, prognosis, physical intervention, rehabilitation and patient education.
Treatments can include: Increasing Range of Motion, Strengthening, Postural Retraining, Gait Training, Improving Balance and Stability, Adaptive & Compensatory Movement Training, Energy Conservation, Kinesiotaping, Ultrasound & Electrical Modalities, (BPPV) Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
While there are many benefits of physical therapy, ten common ones are:
- Improved Muscle Function — Physical therapy improves and maintains muscle integrity and strength by engaging soft tissues in a series of predetermined movements.
- Greater Flexibility — You can enjoy increased joint flexibility and range of motion that improves quality of life.
- Pain Relief — With physical therapy, you can significantly reduce pain caused by inflammation and swelling.
- Stress Relief — When you remove the stress of being unhealthy from your mind and body, you lower your cortisol levels. High cortisol levels have been linked to atherosclerosis, reduced cognitive functioning, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.
- A Better Understanding of Your Condition — Through physical therapy, you can learn more about your condition.
- A Stronger Core — Physical therapy focuses on core stability and strengthening to restore pelvis and back muscle health (whole body support).
- Less Stress on Joints — During physical therapy, you can learn how to evenly distribute pressure on ankle, knee and hip joints.
- Relief Without Medication/Surgery — Physical therapy can help you avoid using prescription pain or anti-inflammatory medications or surgery to manage recovery from injury or post-operative complications. A conservative treatment such as physical therapy is not only healthier and more effective, but it is also more cost-effective.
- An Active Role in Your Recovery — You can take an active role in your recovery.
- Reduced Risk of Re-injury — Physical therapy reduces the risk of re-injury by strengthening and toning muscles, as well as coordination-enhancing activities.
Our experienced physical therapists can manage and control painful conditions while promoting musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and cognitive health.
Ready To Get Started?
Your journey to better health begins here! To schedule an appointment call us directly:
(816) 795-5000
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