Chiropractic Care

Our body is our best indicator when something isn’t working quite right. Back pain, headaches and neck pain are just a few of the indicators there may be something wrong within the our body as a whole. Quality Chiropractic care focuses on the structure of your body to determine the cause of discomfort.
Activator Method
Activator Method Chiropractic Technique is a gentle, low-force approach to chiropractic care. It has been safely used for over 40 years and is the most widely used low-force chiropractic technique in the world. The Activator Technique incorporates the latest advances in orthopedic, neurological and chiropractic examinations along with a unique system of administering spinal adjustments. To address spinal joint dysfunction a hand held instrument called an Activator is used to give a very specific, low-force adjustment. The Activator delivers a high speed, low-force thrust which the body’s muscles are less likely to reflexively resist. Patients enjoy verified results and appreciate the gentleness of the technique.
Diversified Technique
Diversified Technique is the most popular manual chiropractic adjusting technique. It focuses on the restoration of normal biomechanical motion and the correction of subluxation. Diversified adjusting of the spine uses specific lines of drive for all manual thrusts, allowing for specificity in correcting mechanical distortions. In addition, Diversified methods have been developed to adjust extremity joints, allowing for beneficial applications in treating sports trauma and other injuries.
Thompson Technique
Thompson Technique utilizes a special chiropractic table invented by Dr. J. Clay Thompson in the 1950s. The table utilizes drop pieces for adjusting the spine and pelvis. Today there are numerous manufacturers of drop-piece tables used by chiropractors around the world.
Ready To Get Started?
Your journey to better health begins here! To schedule an appointment call us directly:
(816) 795-5000
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